Above: An old image of the property in 1996
Below: Impressions from the first site visit.
“The Old Smokehouse” is a historic smokehouse located in the north of Germany close to the sea.
Inspired by its strong heritage this garden is bringing in a sea of textures. The house and atelier have been carefully renovated to stay true to its roots reclaiming materials wherever possible.
In crafting a textural planting palette, the pier leading to the gravel terrace acts as a desire line to draw away from the more formal house into the borrowed landscapes and through texture-rich plantings. Although being a radical choice, the planting acts as an almost sunken-in space, merging the different levels present in the gardens.
Around the house water-bound gravel paths merge with the repurposed brick laid terraces to reference the materials found in the region. Anchoring the space whilst adding a timeless structure allowing for a more wild planting.
Native wild hedges as boundaries will enhance the relaxedness and easfulness of the space extending into the surrounding land.
It has been planted in May 2024 and is now slowly establishing which you can see below.
The vista into the garden from the house, extending from shelter into the openness. A change in material adds to the visual separation and shifting into another “room” in the garden.
View onto the planting in June 2024. A rhythm of small willows and grasses draw the eye through the space whilst being filled with different flowering perennials.
Setting out the planting for the front-garden with the added Viburnum bodnantense “Dawn” for winter-interest. Spring Bulbs will complement the planted spaces.